Dyslexia Books

  • My Classmate with a Learning Disability
    Carl, a new student, befriends Philip, who is being bullied for having dyslexia. They form a strong friendship and Philip gains confidence.
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  • Dyslexia
    An informative book about dyslexia, its definition, causes, effects, and impact on individuals. It emphasizes that dyslexia is a learning disability but doesn't hinder intell…
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    John, a dyslexic student, shares his experiences and how his teachers and peers support him in learning and expressing himself.
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  • Snowball
    Cute story about a family's new puppy and his mischievous ways of avoiding a bath. Fun story-line and wonderful illustrations for all dog lovers. Story written by A'Jsha Jo…
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  • Barney has Dyslexia
    Barney, a smart dinosaur with dyslexia, meets a fairy who helps him understand the difference between mitosis and meiosis.
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  • Entwined
    this is a fun book about a girl who meets two girls with enemy moms and cafes,what an adventure
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  • Maeve Goes to the Moon!
    The story follows a 10-year-old girl named Maeve who discovers she has dyslexia. Despite her initial confusion and fear, she learns to navigate her challenges through creativ…
  • A Perfect Little Girl to Love
    Julie is having trouble at school and doesn't know why. But it turns out that she is perfect after all, she just learns differently.
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