E-sports Books

    This story discusses the challenges of introducing e-Sports to schools in Finland. It explores the differences between the Finnish and Swedish education systems and how e-Spo…
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  • The Homies.
    The Homies, a friend group of elite video game players, compete in an e-sports tournament and emerge victorious against the world record holders.
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  • E-Sports.
    A young gamer's journey from playing with his dad to becoming a professional esports player, facing challenges and achieving success.
  • ABC's of Faker
    Faker, a legendary esports player, is celebrated for his skill, determination, and impact on gaming, achieving multiple championships and inspiring others worldwide.
    A collection of books that explore popular video games like Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, and Call of Duty, discussing their history, gameplay mechanics, cultural impact, and …
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  • .
    The story is about Bugha, a Fortnite player who won the World Cup in 2019 and earned $3 million. It also mentions the downfall of Ninja and the rise of MrSavage. The writing …
  • Learn about the legendary Counter-Strike player Adil 'ScreaM' Benrlitom and his journey to success in the gaming community.
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  • Video games
    Explore the exciting world of video games, where you can be a hero, learn new skills, and connect with others through amazing adventures and competitions.
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