Earthquakes Books

  • An Earthquake Experience
    A child recounts their experience surviving an earthquake at a playground with their friend, emphasizing the importance of staying calm and prepared.
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  • Animal Earthquake
    Desert, arctic, bush, savanna, and rainforest animals complain about their habitats. God sends an earthquake.
    Eye Icon 353
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  • The Story Of Poseidon
    This story provides information about Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses, including his family, symbols, powers, and creations.
    Eye Icon 1700
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  • Dinosaur Party
    Can an earthquake mess up Steggie's birthday party? or will it?
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    Kevin learns about earthquakes at school and prepares an earthquake bag.
  • The earthquake
    James receives instructions on surviving an earthquake from his mom. He goes to school and finds out his classmates are late. His teacher teaches him about subject nouns. An …
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  • Earthquakes
    Mike and Gary fall into a hole and meet Betty the Bird who teaches them about earthquakes and tectonic plates.
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    Hero Dog is on a journey to find Can. Along the way, he encounters obstacles and helps others in need. Will he be able to find Can?
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