Ebay Books

  • A Collection of Math Problems to Solve
    A collection of short stories covering various subjects, including math, language arts, and everyday life situations.
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  • What to do During Quarantine!
    I hope you enjoyed this book! I want to give a special thanks to Terry Foster for always liking and commenting on my books, I am not sure what happened. He hasn't been publis…
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    Star Icon 325
  • Peter Griffin Stole Mrbeasts Videos
    Peter Griffin, a poor man who got kicked out of Family Guy, decides to steal and sell MrBeast's copyrighted videos on eBay. He gets sued for $1 billion and 50 years in prison.
    Eye Icon 108
    Star Icon 16
  • Online shopping
    An introduction to online shopping, including popular websites like eBay and Amazon, as well as the use of PayPal for secure transactions.
    Eye Icon 59
  • Jeffrey's Adventures Part 1
    Jeffrey must go on a trip to get famous but something goes terribly wrong.
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  • Jeffrey's Adventures Part 2
    Please read "Jeffrey's Adventures Part 1" in order to understand this book.
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  • Fallout Boys
    Haden, Lucas, and Jeremy have different approaches to buying popular goods. Haden's laziness leads to disappointment, while Lucas and Jeremy make smarter choices.
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    A child and their dad buy a rally car and participate in races, facing challenges along the way.
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