Eggplant Books

  • Autumn the Eggplant
    Autumn the eggplant learns how important it is to be truly individual.
    Eye Icon 23344
    Star Icon 307
  • Vegetable Soup A to Z
    A rhyming alphabet book that introduces various vegetables and their characteristics, ending with a silly soup recipe.
    Eye Icon 52095
    Star Icon 559
  • Oscar The Eggplant
    Oscar, an eggplant, feels lonely and sad because he can't join the singing fruits and vegetables. When a banana arrives and starts singing, Oscar becomes happy.
    Eye Icon 579
    Star Icon 15
  • Oggy the Eggplant
    Oggy the eggplant has nightmares about Halloween creatures, but learns they are friendly and becomes friends with them.
    Eye Icon 76
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  • Oscar and BB's Merry Christmas
    A fun story about how BB and Oscar became friends and discovered inner talents.
    Eye Icon 10717
    Star Icon 308
  • A Story of Fruits and Vegetables
    The vegetables and fruits in the kitchen have a meeting to discuss their differences, but ultimately learn to appreciate each other's nutritional value.
    Eye Icon 29401
    Star Icon 101
  • Oscar the Eggplant Learns to Sing
    Oscar the eggplant learns to sing. A story about excepting yourself and who you are!
    Eye Icon 29
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  • Erin Eggplant and the Banana
    This tells the story of how two different foods become friends
    by mogi
    Eye Icon 57
    Star Icon 3
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