Embarrassing Moment Books

  • My embarrassing moment
    The narrator recounts an accident with their motorcycle, caused by a lack of awareness and sleepiness, and reflects on the experience.
  • rom the monkey.
    Rom, a clumsy monkey, has a series of embarrassing moments at school. He confides in his mother and finds hope for a better day.
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  • More Funny stories
    A collection of personal anecdotes about the author's experiences with haircuts, injuries, and embarrassing moments.
  • The Life of John
    John, a talented actor, dreams of being on TV. He recalls an embarrassing moment and considers a career in action movies.
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  • My 8th Grade Year 2014/15
    A student reflects on their eighth-grade year, including their schedule, friends, favorite lunch, field trip, cheerleading, volleyball, embarrassing moment, and proudest mome…
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  • My personal adaptation to virtual classes
    Bryan Espín, a biochemistry student, shares his experiences and interests, including his love for music, football, English, and an embarrassing moment in class.
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  • Hailie and her sisters
    Hailie, a girl with no talent, faces embarrassing moments, performs well in a play, befriends a new student, and goes to a dance with him.
  • Field Trip
    A family goes camping and has a fun-filled adventure, but the protagonist faces some embarrassing moments.
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