Emotional Management Books

  • The Teenage Brain
    An informative book about the brain, its development, physical health, mental health, and emotional management for teenagers.
  • ANGER TO JOY: The importance of controlling emotions
    A personal reflection on anger and its effects, with a focus on self-improvement and managing emotions.
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  • El club de la bona estrella
    A story about a classroom that learns to work together and improve their attitudes and behavior.
  • Social Emotional Learning
    Tom, a quiet and lonely boy, overcomes his fear of being judged by his classmates and gains confidence.
  • Problems in the Family
    my book is inspired by some of many problems in families, with its possible solution based on communication, love, respect and understanding or therapeutic help.
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    Teen mental health in North Macedonia is critical, with initiatives for support and awareness. The community must collaborate to foster empathy and provide resources for yout…
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  • Professions Peşələr
    Mexanika işlədikləri maşınların növünə görə ağır və yüngül olmaqla iki sinfə ayrıla bilər. Ağır iş daha böyük maşınlarda və ya traktor və qoşqu kimi ağır avadanlıqlarda, yüng…
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  • Why Doesn't Grandma Know My Name?
    A young girl named Madison learns about her grandmother's Alzheimer's disease and discovers various therapeutic activities they can do together to strengthen their bond.
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