Emperors Books

  • The Legend of Momotaro
    A popular Japanese folktale about a boy, born from a peach, who helps the local villagers fight a menacing band of demons.
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  • Emperor's New Halloween Costume
    Nathaniel, the school bully, is taught a lesson by Evan when he tricks Nathaniel into wearing a ballet costume to their Halloween party. Nathaniel learns his lesson and apolo…
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  • Emperor Qin: The Man who changed China
    This chapter book explores the changes made by Emperor Qin in ancient China, discussing their impact and presenting different perspectives. It also includes a quiz and encour…
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  • ABC Facts About Emperor Penguins
    This educational book, created by a first-grade class, provides an alphabetical journey through the life of Emperor Penguins. From egg to adulthood, each letter of the alphab…
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  • Emperor's New Move
    In 1913, the new Emperor of Japan seeks advice on whether to pursue a policy of adaptation or isolation. His advisor presents the pros and cons, and the Emperor ultimately ch…
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  • The Emperor's new clothes
    A vain Emperor is tricked by two scoundrels who convince him that their invisible fabric is the most beautiful in the world.
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  • The First Emperor Of China
    A brief history of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, and his accomplishments, including the construction of the Great Wall and the Terracotta Army.
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  • The Life of an Emperor Penguin
    A description of emperor penguins and their behavior, with a personal desire to visit Antarctica.
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