Empires Books

  • The Ottoman Empire
    A brief history of the establishment and growth of the Ottoman Empire, its achievements, and its eventual dissolution.
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  • The Culture of the Maya Empire
    A brief overview of the Maya civilization, including their location, lifestyle, food, religion, government, and more.
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  • The French and Indian War
    This story covers the French and Indian War, including the competing empires, the war's beginning, the Albany Congress, and early British defeats.
  • 7th Grade World History
    A tour guide takes readers on a journey through world history, covering topics such as geography, government, culture, religion, river civilizations, age of empires, coloniza…
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  • Historic India
    A historical overview of India, covering topics such as religion, empires, independence movement, and British rule.
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  • Jesus' Birth
    A retelling of the story of the first Christmas, including the birth of Jesus, the visit of the shepherds and wise men, and the origins of Christmas traditions.
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    Known as Cholamandalam,The Chola Kingdom was situated north-east of the Pandya territory.Much of their wealth from trade in cotton textiles.They had built a fleet of ships an…
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  • The Roman Empire
    A brief introduction to the ancient Romans, including their kings, architecture, clothing, and beliefs.
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