Endgame Books

  • my favorite movie
    A description of the movie Avengers Endgame, its success at the box office, the cast, and the genres it belongs to.
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  • Stan Lee
    A book about Stan Lee's extraordinary accomplishments and his major breakthroughs.Excelsior!!
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  • Popular Movies From The 80s to Present Day
    An interesting way to get movie info from long ago to today
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  • Realm wars A Minecraft novella
    Two sister realms, the Nether and the End, have been at war. A battle ensues, but the Enderdragon's arrival turns the tide. The Nether surrenders, bringing peace.
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  • Max's dream adventure
    Max, a superhero, dreams of collecting a powerful orb with his friends to stop evil. They face monsters together, learning the value of friendship and helping others.
  • Big Gerald and the Missing Avengers Movie
    Big Gerald, an Australian thief, tries to hack into Marvel's mainframe to steal Avengers Endgame but is stopped by Marvel. They educate him about copyright, fair use, and pla…
  • Biography of Robert Downey Jr.
    The story of Robert Downey Jr.'s life and career, from his early acting days to his success as Iron Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  • Archie Ant's Magic
    Archie Ant, feeling sad and unnoticed, saves her friends from a hunter and learns the value of her own bravery.
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