Endless Books

  • The Night Before College...
    On the night before college, a girl reflects on her childhood memories and expresses gratitude for her parents.
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  • Endless Vortex
    Charlotte and Jamie, two best friends, embark on a hike that leads them to a different dimension. They meet Percy, another lost child, and together they face a monstrous crea…
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  • Country Bumpkins
    The life on Red Rock Road was filled with endless excitement for all the families who lived there. The stories from days gone by are still fresh in the minds of us all. We we…
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  • The mystery closet
    Aaliyah discovers a mysterious button in her closet that leads to an endless path. She and her friend Mimi explore it, but worry about getting back in time for breakfast.
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  • If you give a crab a shell
    A conditional book about the effects of helping a crab look pretty.
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  • The Mysterious Secrets of the Universe
    Inferno and his swamp monster companion embark on an exciting adventure through outer space. They encounter various celestial bodies, face dangers, and meet new characters. T…
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    Minecraft is a video game where players can dig, mine, build, and enchant things. It offers different game modes like Survival, Creative, and Adventure.
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  • The Butterfly and the Bee in the Garden
    A colorful butterfly and an agile bee teamed up to look for the missing honey. They persisted in their quest against the odds.
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