Environmental Care Books

  • Environmental Care
    A story about ways to care for the planet, including reducing, reusing, recycling, planting trees, saving water, cutting down on plastic, and using alternative transportation.
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  • Environmental Care
    A guide on how to care for the environment, including tips for beach clean-up, respecting nature, participating in environmental campaigns, and practicing eco-friendly habits…
    A guide to environmental care, including tips for reducing waste and getting involved in Green Schools.
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  • Environmental Care
    An informative book about environmental care, including reducing, reusing, and recycling. Provides practical tips on how to help the environment.
  • Environmental Care!
    A story about the importance of environmental care, including recycling, reducing waste, and protecting trees.
  • Environmental Care
    Jack and Emily discuss the importance of caring for the environment and share ways to do so.
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  • Environmental Care
    A young narrator explains the importance of environmental care and provides examples of how to take action, such as walking or cycling instead of driving, conserving energy, …
  • Environmental Care
    Emmet teaches about the environment, its components, and the impact of human activities. He suggests ways to mitigate pollution and provides a video link for more information.
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