Environmental Effects Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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    An informative book about the element Fluorine, covering its physical and chemical properties, atomic structure, discovery, compounds, uses, facts, and environmental effects.
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    A detailed exploration of the physical and chemical properties of aluminum, its family and period, compounds, common uses, and environmental effects.
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    Tim wants to meet his friend Lucy, but they have different ideas about the weather. They decide to research climate change and its effects. They start an environmental club a…
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  • Sulfur
    An informational book about the element sulfur, including its properties, uses, and effects on health and the environment.
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    This informative book explores the different types of environmental pollution, their causes, and effects on the Earth and human health.
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  • How Does Erosion Effect Phil's Farm ?
    Phil, a rabbit, buys a farm and battles erosion to save it. He builds a retaining wall and uses geotextiles. The farm becomes successful.
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  • Climate Change and Environmental Challenges
    A collection of texts about climate change, its effects, and the importance of environmental protection.
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