Eric Carle Books

  • Eric Carle, Eric Carle, What Do You Do?
    A rhyming introduction to Eric Carle and his award-winning children's books, highlighting his inspiration from nature and personal experiences.
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  • The very fat cat
    Learning about Eric Carle's style, first form students invented a story in which they copied his techniques.
  • Eric Carle
    The story follows Eric, a painter who discovers his passion for painting animals and eventually becomes a renowned children's book author and illustrator.
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  • All About Sloths
    An informative book about sloths, their habitat, diet, appearance, behavior, and sleep patterns.
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  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear
    A remake of the classic 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?' with animals and colors. The story ends with children seeing all the animals.
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  • The Very Hungry Turtle
    A baby turtle hatches from an egg and goes on a food-eating adventure until it grows into a big turtle.
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  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar
    A hungry caterpillar eats his way through various foods, gets a stomachache, and transforms into a beautiful butterfly.
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  • Red Cy, Red Cy, what do you see? P.S. Cy is hiding, can you help me find him please?
    Read "Red Cy, Red Cy," to explore color and location description words! Inspired by "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" by Eric Carle.
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