Etwinning Projects Books

  • PEACE ISLAND (Etwinning Project)
    A multi-lingual dictionary and collection of poems, stories, and activities about Peace Island, a fictional place where different countries come together in harmony.
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    A STEAM robot gets bored and decides to observe insects, create art with stones, and collaborate with students on a handbook of activities.
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  • Gamenglish etwinning project
    A collection of games for students to learn greetings, classroom objects, numbers, toys and games, and colors.
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  • eTwinning Project
    A collection of poems and writings by students from different countries about the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on their lives and education.
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  • eTwinning project English class 2020
    Italian and Turkish recipes from Abruzzo region and Turkey. Includes pasta, meat dishes, and desserts.
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  • eTwinning Project
    This story is about Christmas traditions in different countries, including Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Poland, and Turkey. It describes the c…
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  • eTwinning project
    A project where students from different countries exchange handmade Christmas cards to learn about each other's cultures and celebrate the holiday together.
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