Evacuation Books

  • Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse
    A guide on surviving a zombie apocalypse, including gathering supplies, making an evacuation plan, and long-term solutions. It also discusses the effects on health.
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  • hershey and the wildfire
    A bird named Hershey helps his friends evacuate from a forest fire and saves a trapped chick. They find shelter, escape a monster, and are happy and safe in the end.
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  • Titanic
    The story of the sinking of the Titanic, including its design flaws, the collision with an iceberg, and the subsequent evacuation and loss of life.
  • The evacuation
    Rosey, a firefighter, helps evacuate a town before a storm. They rescue animals and rebuild the town after a flood.
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    Daylin and his family face a dangerous storm in Honduras, forcing them to evacuate to Mexico. They eventually return to rebuild their house.
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  • An Earthquake Experience
    A child recounts their experience surviving an earthquake at a playground with their friend, emphasizing the importance of staying calm and prepared.
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  • The Fire Drill 3rd Grade Sample
    A school experiences a false alarm and evacuates to the field, only to return when it's safe.
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  • The movie '14 Hours' depicts the challenges faced by healthcare workers during a hospital evacuation amid a natural disaster.
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