Everyday Heroes Books

  • Heroes
    A Veteran's Day project that is dedicated to Ross A. McGinnis
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  • A Super Hero's Guide Book
    A guide for children on how to be a hero by following eight important rules, such as being helpful, polite, and kind, and never giving up.
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    Steve, a student, struggles to find a hero for his homework. Through interactions with family and friends, he realizes that everyday people can be heroes too.
  • The Real Heroes
    Max and his friend James witness different acts of heroism in their town, making Max realize that real heroes are the people who help others in everyday life.
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  • Police Detective
    Carl fulfills his dream of becoming a police detective and enjoys his job, inspiring his sons to follow in his footsteps.
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  • Superheroes
    A poem about different superheroes and their heroic actions.
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  • Be Someone's Hero!
    A collection of short stories about everyday heroes and acts of kindness, inspiring readers to be heroes themselves.
  • Brains at work: Learning to Think, Plan and Grow Executive Functioning for Kids
    Join a group of friends as they tackle a classroom challenge, learning to overcome their individual struggles with executive functioning skills through teamwork and fun strat…
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