Exaggeration Books

  • The Great Wall of China
    The story provides a brief history of the Great Wall of China, its purpose, and its length, with some humor and exaggeration.
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  • The
    This fact-filled book is about the 12 Principles of Animations!
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  • The frog and the ox
    A young frog exaggerates the size of a farmer's ox, only to realize that his father is bigger. The moral is to aim high but not attempt the impossible.
  • Saving the Penguins
    Luke the Penguin exaggerates the heat, causing panic among the penguins. Lexi suggests stopping global warming and they start a campaign in Lexi's town.
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  • Charlie's Busy Day
    Charlie gets excited about preschool after hearing exaggerated stories from his friend. He learns the truth and has a conversation about honesty with his teacher and friend.
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  • Paul Bunyan
    A humorous tall tale about the larger-than-life American hero, Paul Bunyan, and his adventures with his blue ox, Babe.
  • You Cannot Judge a Book By Its Cover Poems, haikus and more…
    A collection of eight poems, including acrostic, haiku, limerick, sonnet, and more. Topics range from nature to emotions.
  • Rumours and Exaggerations
    A story about a school with a principal, a head teacher, and students who have conflicts due to rumors spread by a gossip.
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