Exchange Students Books

  • Adventures of The Reef Writers \
    two ocean creatures—a shark and a turtle—who exchange letters about the problems their coral reef home is facing. Through this heartfelt exchange, the students highlight the …
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    Zehra and Derya, Turkish exchange students, travel to Tallinn, Estonia. They explore the city, visit museums, and have a surprise encounter with a Turkish restaurant.
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  • Eco-Rangers: A Journey for Sustainability
    A diverse group of exchange students from Portugal, Spain, and Turkey come together at an institute in Lisbon to explore and promote sustainability.
  • Our Exchange Student
    Lei, a smart girl from China, moves to America to study and becomes an exchange student.
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  • Two Pandemic Schools
    Prudence, a porcupine teacher, faces challenges in her school during the pandemic. She comes up with a plan to exchange students with Fred, a fisher teacher, and they teach t…
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  • how to become an exchange student
    A guide on how to become an exchange student, including finding an organization, applying, and facing challenges.
  • Holly finally get's a friend
    Holly, a popular girl with a famous mom, befriends a British exchange student. They bond over basketball and Holly's mom gets a movie role in London, reuniting Holly with her…
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  • My year in Austrailia as a exchange student
    A student considers going to Australia as an exchange student, discussing the weather, society, education, and culture.
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