Exclamations Books

  • Exclamation marks and Full.Stops story
    Mr. Full.Stop and Mr. Exclamation mark learn about the importance of proper punctuation from other punctuation marks.
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  • Periods or Exclamation Points?
    Lily learns about punctuation marks, periods, and exclamation points, on a field trip with her teacher, Mr. Lewis, and two police officers, Officer Period and Officer Exclama…
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  • Grammar Girl Saves Punctuation Puppy
    Grammar Girl and Punctuation Puppy work together to fix grammar and punctuation mistakes in sentences, with the help of the reader.
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  • I hate this book
    A collection of short, disconnected sentences and phrases that lack coherence or a clear story. Includes random questions and exclamations.
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  • Lizard Book
    A collection of short descriptions and exclamations about lizards, their appearance, behavior, and the author's opinion.
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  • My Science Eyes
    A collection of short statements about nature and science, with some questions and exclamations.
  • Ellipses
    A story about the friendship between an ellipsis and an exclamation mark, and their reunion after a long wait.
  • Punctuation
    An informative book that explains the importance of punctuation and provides examples of different types of ending punctuation.
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