Excursion Books

  • My first excursion to the zoo
    A young girl goes on a school trip to the zoo with her mom and classmates, seeing various animals and having a memorable experience.
  • Our first trip
    Miss Harris takes her class on an excursion to London, visiting famous sights like Buckingham Palace and Big Ben.
  • My Crazy Life Book 1 Welcome To The Island Of Death
    Alice, Jemma, and Alex go on a science excursion but end up on an island. They discover it's a test and must find the crown to escape.
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  • An Excursion
    Mike and his classmates visit the zoo, learn about endangered animals, and decide to take action to protect them.
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    A family goes on a forest excursion and encounters animals. They learn not to leave food on the ground as it can make animals sick.
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  • An excursion
    A group of students convince their teacher to go to the beach instead of a farm visit.
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