Explanation Books

  • Life Cycle of a Plant
    An informative book about the life cycle of beans, from seed to flower, with clear explanations and a glossary of key terms.
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  • RAINBOW FRIENDS- Chapter 2: Full Story (All Secrets & Explanation)
    This book is about the full story of Rainbow Friends Chapter 2!
    Eye Icon 275
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  • Devils of Terror: Traffic Lights
    A fictional story explaining how traffic lights work, controlled by devils inside them. The devils have different roles and powers.
    Eye Icon 116
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  • It is Not Your Fault !
    Woody, a young beaver, navigates the challenges of leaving home due to his father's anger. With the help of a frog, bees, and a woodpecker, he learns to manage his emotions a…
    Eye Icon 20250
    Star Icon 888
  • Business World
    Steven explains the basics of financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, statements of cash flow, and owner's equity.
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  • ABC Colonial America
    An informative alphabet book that teaches about colonial America, from attire to the Zenger Trial, with accurate historical facts and clear explanations.
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  • The Water Cycle
    A simple explanation of the water cycle, starting from the ocean and ending with rain falling on land. Includes a link to a video for further understanding.
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  • How a Flute Works
    This book explains how a flute works, describing its different sections and their functions.
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