Exports Books

  • Animal Cell Compared To Everyday Things?
    An informative book about the different parts of a cell, their functions, and analogies to help understand them.
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  • Australia
    Facts about Australia, including its unique landscapes, wildlife, population, and exports.
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  • Globalization
    A brief explanation of globalization and its impact on trade, with a focus on the import and export of goods.
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  • Somalia and Sudan
    This book provides information about Anarchy countries, focusing on Somalia and Sudan. It discusses their governments, economies, and reasons for becoming Anarchy countries.
  • International Trade
    An introduction to international trade, covering topics such as imports, exports, trade barriers, and trading blocs.
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  • Brazil
    A brief overview of Brazil's culture, exports, political system, history, and a current issue facing the country.
  • 10 Incredible Things You Didn't Know About Canada
    A brief overview of Canada, its exports, population growth, and some tourist attractions in Bogota, Colombia.
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