Extinct Books

    A brief introduction to various extinct marine creatures, including Liopleurodon, Megalodon, Kronosaurus, Mosasaurus, Plesiosaurus, Dunkleosteus, and Helicoprion.
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  • Journey to AnimaLand
    A group of students and their teachers travel to an imaginary island called Animaland using a time capsule. They meet six extinct animals and learn about their experiences. T…
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  • The Explorers
    Emma loves exploring and wants to find dinosaurs. She learns they're extinct, but finds a fossil instead.
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  • Journey to the Past
    Professor Vandoran, a time-traveling scientist, embarks on an adventure to the Ice Age and Cretaceous periods to bring back extinct species for a museum exhibit. He is accomp…
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  • Extinct Animals Of The World
    A collection of short descriptions about extinct animals, their characteristics, habitats, and reasons for extinction.
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  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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    A group of children and their teacher go on a trip to the zoo, where they learn about endangered and extinct animals.
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  • Golden Eagle vs. Bald Eagle
    A comparison between golden eagles and bald eagles, including their habitats, diets, physical characteristics, and interesting facts. The story concludes with a fictional enc…
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