Extracurricular Activities Books

  • What are Extracurricular Activities?
    Abby explains what extracurricular activities are, their benefits, and provides examples. She shares her personal experience and encourages readers to find activities they lo…
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    A story about a school journalism staff and their dedication to producing high-quality publications.
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  • Chronicles of President Vázquez Scales
    A future presidential story told through the eyes/scope of a young man!
  • OUR IDEAL SCHOOL -extra-curricular activities
    A description of an ideal school with various classes and activities for students, including prom, cooking, photography, theater, singing, and sports.
  • Youth Adventures: Exploring Extracurricular Activities in Ciorescu
    Scoala de Arte din Comuna Ciorescu offers creative classes in arts, music, and dance, promoting self-expression and skill development in a supportive community.
  • Recipe for Nerdiness
    A humorous recipe-style guide on how to create a unique nerd named Nicki, with ingredients like nerdy parents, friends, and extracurricular activities.
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    A student balances academics, extracurricular activities, and volunteering, while facing a dilemma between studying and soccer practice.
  • MY school, your school
    A description of a school in France, including details about the students, uniforms, timetable, holidays, subjects, rules, extracurricular activities, school trips, and proje…
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