Face Masks Books

  • Our Quarantine Adventures
    Our first grade class wrote about how their lives have changed during the Coronavirus Quarantine.
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  • The Queen’s New Face Mask
    In the small country of Heung Heung, there is a COVID-19 outbreak. The Queen refuses to wear a face mask until a fashion designer offers her an 'Invisible Mask'. An AI robot …
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    Now a days, we see people with masks every where. So I got this funny idea to make a book on Face mask Monster. Hope you like it :)
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  • Building the Dream
    Grace could never have imagined that her dream would come true for her whole community.
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  • ABC's of MARDI GRAS!
    ABC's of Mardi Gras is a picture book using the alphabet as a way of explaining the many traditions of the Gulf Coast families during this holiday.
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  • Up Down Smile Frown
    A book for children on feeling emotional ups and downs through the pandemic and finding healthy ways to cope. The book can help to get some great conversation going with kids…
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  • The face behind the mask
    A middle-class family faces financial challenges during the global pandemic. The protagonist starts a business selling face masks and achieves success through crowdfunding an…
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  • Coronavirus QUIZ
    A short informational text about the importance of wearing face masks and other COVID-19 precautions.
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