Failed Relationships Books

  • Gone Wrong
    Felix's journey through childhood and adolescence, marked by family, loss, mental health struggles, and a failed relationship.
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  • Tired
    A poem about sadness, heartbreak, and loss. The speaker expresses their pain and confusion over a failed relationship.
  • Poor Girl Named Sue
    A girl named Sue goes through a series of failed relationships until she meets Sloan, her soulmate.
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  • bunny lonely
    A story of a man's life filled with loss, longing for love, and failed relationships.
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    The story warns about the dangers of internet dating scams and provides tips on how to protect oneself.
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  • A Mystery Solved: The Case of Lost Jewels Written and Illustrated by: Leena Aburahmeh
    Alexandre and Eléa, two detective siblings, team up to solve the case of the stolen royal jewels. With their investigation skills and determination, they uncover clues, inter…
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  • The Space Race
    A historical account of the space race between the USSR and the United States during the Cold War, highlighting key events and achievements.
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  • A Hole in the Fence
    This book is an attempt to do activity which my future students will probably take.
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