Fair Pay Books

  • The Adventures of Teacher Jane and the Missing Salaries
    Teacher Jane and her students go on a magical adventure to find missing salaries, fight for fair pay, and inspire change in their community.
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    Terry meets a new unexpected friend while visiting his grandmother's house for the summer.
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  • The Electric Trail
    Chloe and Cameron go on a school hike, get lost, find an abandoned cabin with a magical TV, learn about co-ops, and find their way back to their group.
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  • Nan the Dragon
    Nan the dragon loves her granddragons and wants to show them all the magic in the world.
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  • The Unfair Job
    Mr. Bird and Flappy, workers at a factory, fight for fair pay against their boss, Mr. Piggy, with the help of their friends.
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  • The Delano Strike and Boycott
    The Delano Strike, led by Filipino and Mexican immigrants, demanded higher pay and fair working conditions. It inspired future activism.
  • Stand Up For What Is Right
    The story tells the tale of the Bonus Army, a group of veterans who lobbied for their wartime bonuses in Washington, D.C. The story highlights their struggles and the impact …
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  • CREDIT SECRETS FOR EVERYONE 16 Credit Secrets That They Don't Want You To Know! By: Carlos Anaya
    The truth is, if you have a bank account and bills, then you have a credit score, and your credit score matters more than you might think. Your credit score may be called man…
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