Fallacy Books

  • The Fallacy of Ambiguity/ Equivocation
    A triceratops named Ixchel befriends a dolphin named Bubba, leading to conflict with other dolphins. They eventually reconcile and live happily.
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  • Fallacy of Slippery Slope
    Susie learns about the slippery slope fallacy when her friend Lily uses it to convince her to do her homework.
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  • The Fallacy of Dicto Simpliciter
    Bubbles, a fish, learns about the fallacy of dicto simpliciter when he assumes all crabs are mean. He befriends Franco, a crab, and invites his friends to meet him.
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  • The Fallacy of Appeal to Nature
    A prince's belief in the superiority of natural fruit is challenged when he falls ill after eating a poisonous yellow star fruit.
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  • Fallacy of No True Scotsman
    A discussion about the 'no true Scotsman' fallacy and its implications in different scenarios, including a conversation between two friends.
  • Fallacy of Guilt by Association
    Jimmy, a curious chick, questions why the pigs eat outside. Through conversations with other animals, he learns about the fallacy of Guilt by Association and helps change the…
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  • The Fallacy of Self-Contradiction
    Becca, a lazy student, never does her homework. But after some conversations, she starts to question her habit.
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  • The Fallacy of Plurium Interrogationum
    Kelly learns about the fallacy of Plurium Interrogationum and starts using it excessively, causing her to lose friends. She questions the norms of argumentation before her de…
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