Family Bonds Books

  • Chubby And Friends Part 3: The Family Bonds
    In a forest, Chubby and friends cope with loss and change as Vanessa finds love again. Samantha struggles but learns to embrace the future, celebrating family and friendship …
  • It is Not Your Fault !
    Woody, a young beaver, navigates the challenges of leaving home due to his father's anger. With the help of a frog, bees, and a woodpecker, he learns to manage his emotions a…
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  • Chubby and Friends Part 4: The Journey to Joy
    In the Friendly Forest, Samantha navigates family changes and bullying about her gorilla stepdad, finding strength in flying and love, ultimately achieving her dreams and uni…
  • KID HEROES Combating the COVID-19 Virus
    Kid Hero AJ and his friends teach kids how to stay safe from COVID-19 through handwashing, not touching their face, cleaning their room, staying home, and other activities.
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  • A Dog Named Leila By Paul Bradley
    This is a heartwarming story of Leila, a dog who overcomes her fears and health issues to form a loving bond with her new family. The narrative follows her journey from being…
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  • Albertson and Auto
    A child shares their special bond with Auto, a plushie, describing their adventures and how they became family through love and play.
  • The Adventures of Yellow Dog
    A dog named Rebel recounts his adventures and experiences with his family and other pets, highlighting the bond they share.
  • We Are Family
    Little Nikos asks his adoptive father about being adopted and their family bond.
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