Family Engagement Books

  • L.O.V.E
    A boy and a girl in a small village face opposition to their love. They separate due to an accident, but reunite when the boy learns sign language to communicate with the mut…
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  • Our Lego Adventures
    This is an anthology of LEGO Campers original stories! You'll enjoy each one and their awesome scenes!
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  • The Literacy Specialist By: Rita Bean & Virginia Goatley
    This book provides an overview of the role of literacy professionals in schools, leadership skills, coaching techniques, developing a school literacy program, and fostering p…
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  • Considerations for Choosing Children's Books
    This text provides guidelines for selecting and using children's literature in an educational setting, emphasizing diversity, developmentally appropriate content, cross-curri…
  • Superhero Fairy Tales/ Fairy Heroes
    A discussion on the differences between fairy tale movies and superhero movies, including their storytelling styles, target audiences, and creative limitations.
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  • From Colombia to Mars Diana Trujillo
    The biography of Lady Diana Trujillo Pomerantz, an aerospace engineer who overcame challenges to become a NASA mission lead and inspire others.
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  • Maya's Not Alone
    Maya, a girl with an incarcerated father, faces challenges and stigma at school. She finds comfort and support in a new friend, Grace, who also has a parent in jail. Together…
  • The Royal Advisor
    Cinderella, about to marry a prince, discovers the unhappiness of the castle servants. She convinces the king to give them time off and changes the law to allow two kings. Ci…
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