Family Support Books

  • It is Not Your Fault !
    Woody, a young beaver, navigates the challenges of leaving home due to his father's anger. With the help of a frog, bees, and a woodpecker, he learns to manage his emotions a…
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  • The Girl Who Used to Live in a Box
    A little girl mourns the loss of her mother and learns to move on with the support of her family.
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  • There's A Cat In The Pack
    Meet "Sprout"- A loveable little kitty who warmed his way into the hearts of a friendly family of dogs.
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  • The Little Tin That Can
    Stannum is a Piece of tin with a Dream, but can bullies get him down?
  • My Education Memory Book
    The story is a personal narrative of the author's educational journey from first grade to obtaining a Master's degree. It highlights the importance of family support in educa…
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  • Chuck's Gallery
    A tour through their grandfather's art gallery teaches six children about art, beauty and the importance of family. This book was written as a gift to my family as we support…
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  • Together We Stand: The Jenkins Family Story
    The Jenkins family faces challenges like job loss and illness but supports each other with love and resilience, creating cherished memories together.
  • A Lesson to Remember
    A Lesson to Remember talks about a girl, named Samantha, who is very shy, When two girls, Mackena and Mackenzie go to her and they boss her around, Samantha only wanted to go…
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