Famous Person Books

  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • Roblox model
    Layla, a famous Roblox player, loves editing photos, playing roleplay games, and the guitar. She made a special photo for her friend Glaze before she left the city.
  • All About Me
    A young girl named Nakiah shares some personal details about herself, including her name, age, appearance, favorite places, and aspirations.
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    A group of people visit Monster Island and encounter various famous monsters. One person dreams about the experience, but is called crazy.
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  • ABC's of Martin Luther King Jr.
    A brief biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his activism, achievements, and impact on civil rights in America.
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  • Jani's School Project by Nancy Hargie
    Jani is a middle school student who has an assignment to research a famous person and learn why she became famous.
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  • The Great Solar System Adventure! An Original Shammy Story
    Join Shammy the leprechaun and his two human friends Pila and Dimo as they take a journey throughout our solar system and see and learn interesting and cool facts. A fictiona…
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  • Famous Person, Stephen Chow Sing Chi
    A brief biography of a famous actor and director, highlighting his achievements, personality traits, and interesting facts.
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