Fantasy Books

  • Emily's Dream of College
    A chicken's dream of going to college and the obstacles she had to face.
    Eye Icon 239053
    Star Icon 5211
  • Megasaurus
    The tiny, multi-colored bean-shaped bears of Beandom are under attack by a monster. Even the King's wisest advisors seem unable find a solution. Who will save Beandom? Can an…
    Eye Icon 198479
    Star Icon 2578
    This is a story of overcoming bullies with teamwork and assertiveness. Though you may be afraid at first if you just stand up for yourself you will run evil away.
    Eye Icon 67511
    Star Icon 1779
  • Wings
    A young girl unexpectedly grows wings and struggles with her new identity. She meets others like her and gains confidence.
    Eye Icon 42701
    Star Icon 1016
  • Cleopatra and the Magic Flute
    Cleopatra finds a magic flute that whisks her to the land of fairy tales! She has to get home soon or she might run out of time.
    Eye Icon 26736
    Star Icon 499
  • Do You Know the Secret of ... ?
    A story about competitors who learn to be friends and teammates.
    Eye Icon 42120
    Star Icon 752
  • The Mysterious Secrets of the Universe
    Inferno and his swamp monster companion embark on an exciting adventure through outer space. They encounter various celestial bodies, face dangers, and meet new characters. T…
    Eye Icon 1892
    Star Icon 69
  • E the Elephant Overcomes
    A young duckling with golden wings, Diana, befriends a scared elephant named E and helps him overcome his fear. They have fun together and E becomes more confident.
    Eye Icon 37275
    Star Icon 560
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