Favorite Place Books

  • Bubbles Finds A Home
    A change in circumstances has brought Bubbles the rabbit to school. Although he enjoys being a classroom pet, he often wishes for a home of his very own.

    This is a t…
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  • My Favorite Place
    This is a model for my 6th grade students. They are each going to create a book about their favorite place.
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  • All About Me
    A young girl named Nakiah shares some personal details about herself, including her name, age, appearance, favorite places, and aspirations.
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  • My Favorite Place
    Mary is excited to write an opinion paper in her writing class. She chooses Provo Canyon as the best place to visit and provides three reasons why.
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  • My Favorite Place
    A description of the beach and its calming effects on the narrator, as well as their appreciation for nature.
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  • Franky's Favorite Place
    Franky goes on a trip with his dad, but he can't bring his stuffed bear. He travels the world, meets a mermaid, and returns home, but still misses Bear.
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  • Megasaurus
    The tiny, multi-colored bean-shaped bears of Beandom are under attack by a monster. Even the King's wisest advisors seem unable find a solution. Who will save Beandom? Can an…
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  • My Favorite Place
    A family's annual trip to Aloha State Park, filled with camping, boating, biking, and exploring Mackinaw Island and Tahquamenon Falls.
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