Festivities Books

  • The Story of the Fornicola Christmas Eve..
    Dee shares the story of her family's Christmas Eve tradition, including the history, food, and festivities that make it special.
  • Shelley Goes to FIESTA!
    This is a story about a little girl visiting San Antonio during Fiesta. It has the history and listing of many festivities that happen during this exciting and eventful week.
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  • N.B. Youth Poet Contest
    A collection of children's poems, each with its unique theme and style. The poems encourage self-love, appreciation of nature, hope, and creativity. They are beautifully illu…
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  • Christmas on the Farm
    A Christmas parable that reminds us that although we may be different from others, we each have been given special gifts that will bring joy to us and others as we share them.
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  • Memorial Day Festivities
    A day in the life of Karli, filled with various activities and events.
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  • Chubby And Friends Part 2: The Night Mad Max Stole Xmas
    As Christmas approaches, Mad Max plays a prank by stealing decorations. His friends help him realize the importance of friendship, leading to a festive reunion and a promise …
  • Una navidad mágica en Rothenburg
    The town of Rothenburg prepares for Christmas with decorations, caroling, and community events. They overcome a mishap and plan new festivities.
  • Camping with Dad
    A child's fun-filled camping trip to Del Mar Beach, including beach activities, meals, and Halloween festivities.
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