Fiji Books

    A pirate and his crew search for treasure, facing challenges along the way. They eventually find a beautiful island called Fiji.
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  • Our Trip to Fiji
    A family goes on an exciting adventure to Fiji, visiting volcanoes, coral reefs, the capital city, a farm, and eating coconuts. They say goodbye in English, Fijian, and Hindu…
  • Fiji
    A brief introduction to Fiji, its geography, culture, economy, and tourism.
  • The Story of Degei: how a culture began
    The legend of Degei, a snake god in Fiji, who embarks on a journey to find his friend and ends up creating the first settlement and culture.
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  • Maria goes to Fiji
    Maria goes on a vacation to Fiji with her family. They encounter trash in the coral reef and decide to clean it up. Maria also talks to people on the beach to get more help.
  • Terry the turtles adventures in Fiji
    Terry the Turtle goes on a vacation to Fiji, exploring its natural beauty, landmarks, and culture. He learns about climate change, deforestation, tourism, and more.
  • The Adventures of Tim and Sticky
    This book is about tow beast friends who solve mysteries together .They find a mysterious thin.
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  • The Life of the Little Raindrop
    Fiji, a raindrop, goes on an adventure and gets lost. He becomes angry and sad but is eventually reunited with his friend Sushi.
    by QAD
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