Film Production Books

  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    The story of how the 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' book series was created, turned into a movie, and the process of casting and filming.
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  • The History Of Anime
    An informative book about the history, production, popularity, and attractions related to Anime in Japan.
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  • Disney
    This was created by my sister ! She wanted to make a book about disney ! Here are her favourite disney charecters
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  • Just Keep Swimming !
    Finding Dory is an upcoming American 3D computer-animated comedy adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film is the seq…
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  • Our Hero Walt
    The story of Walt Disney's journey from a young boy with a dream to the creator of iconic characters and the founder of Disneyland.
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  • Tom and Jerry
    The history of the animated series 'Tom and Jerry', from its creation in 1940 to its popularity and criticism, as well as its Oscar awards.
  • Walt Disney's Impact on America
    US History L3 Final Inquiry Project - Walt Disney's Impact on America
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  • My favourite film
    A student talks about their favorite films, including House, M.D., Doctor Who, Titanic, The Maze Runner, Sherlock, Star Wars, Minions, Teen Wolf, Twilight, Bedtime Stories, M…
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