Fish Farming Books

  • Nowadays
    A grandfather takes his grandchildren to a museum, reminiscing about his own childhood visits and noticing the changes. He learns that change is important and enjoys sharing …
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  • The story of the fish farmer Billy
    Farmer Billy explains his unique fish farming operation, including the size of his tanks, machinery used, subsidies received, and challenges faced.
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  • Saving our Earth: An A to Z Guide
    An informative book that takes readers through an A-Z guide of environmental issues, from Air Pollution to Zoos. Each letter represents a different topic, providing facts and…
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  • Diary of a Minecraft Player
    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in the world of Minecraft? Find out in this diary of an unlucky Minecraft player named Steve.
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  • A Place To Grow
    This informative book explores the concept of natural resources and their importance in our everyday lives, covering topics such as soil, plants, animals, water, and air.
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  • Felicia the Fish
    Felicia, a fish living on an aquaculture farm in Abbgalia, gives a tour of her farm and discusses its operations, challenges, and economic significance.
  • The ABC's of Environmental Science
    An alphabetical guide to environmental terms, covering topics such as aquaculture, climate, erosion, fossil fuels, and more.
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  • The Inuits
    This book provides an overview of the daily life, food, art and architecture, and religion of the Inuit people in the Arctic.
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