Five Senses Books

  • The Five Senses
    A young child describes how they use their five senses to experience and understand the world around them.
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  • The Five Senses
    This book was actually a school assignment I had for my education class. Learning is fun, and there are many different ways to learn new information. Using our five senses w…
  • My Five Senses
    A young child describes how they use their five senses to experience the world around them.
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  • Our Five Senses
    A simple and informative book that introduces the five senses and how they are used in everyday life.
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  • The 5 Senses
    A simple and informative book that introduces the five senses and their functions in an engaging way.
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    A short and simple poem that celebrates the five senses and the beauty of the world.
  • My Five Senses
    A short, informative book about the five senses and how they help us experience the world around us.
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  • Turn Your Imagination On...
    A boy goes camping with his family and learns about his five senses through various experiences in nature.
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