Floods Books

  • The flood
    a book about a sad flood that happened 5 years ago.
  • Natural disasters
    This book is about 6 different natural disasters including floods and tornadoes.
  • The Flood
    A person is kidnapped and trapped in a room filling with water. They escape and find a letter, but the events continue to haunt them.
  • Kili The Wonder Dog
    Share a gripping adventure with Kili The Wonder Dog as he risks his life in one of the worst floods in Colorado history.
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  • Flash Flood
    The flash flood! Watch out! 21 year old Kathy is doing a dare from a hater on YouTube, can she do it? Or will bad things like a flood come her way?
  • Phil and the Flood
    Phil the Elephant breaks a dam while saving his friend. He finds a way to get everyone across a ravine and learns to be himself.
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  • Environmental Changes
    A collection of short, poorly organized and grammatically incorrect paragraphs about natural disasters.
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    Find out about a few natural
    If you read it, you will know All
    the natural disasters in this
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