Flower And Gift Distribution Books

  • Rose's Gift
    This is a story about a young girl, by a young girl, to inspire a world of young girls.
    Eye Icon 4840
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  • A Gift for Mom
    A child lists various gifts for their mom, explaining why each one is a good choice. The story ends with the child stating that a hug is the best gift because their mom loves…
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    Star Icon 227
    Even children deal with jealousy. We must teach children to never allow jealousy to destroy friendship. Jealousy is a bad feeling, and there is no need to be jealous of anyon…
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  • It is Not Your Fault !
    Woody, a young beaver, navigates the challenges of leaving home due to his father's anger. With the help of a frog, bees, and a woodpecker, he learns to manage his emotions a…
    Eye Icon 19620
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  • The Missing Flower
    East or west home is best.
    Let's help our friend flower to go back home
    Eye Icon 1166
    Star Icon 68
  • Christmas on the Farm
    A Christmas parable that reminds us that although we may be different from others, we each have been given special gifts that will bring joy to us and others as we share them.
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  • Life Cycle of a Plant
    An informative book about the life cycle of beans, from seed to flower, with clear explanations and a glossary of key terms.
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  • The Twelve Days of Christmas
    A classic Christmas song about receiving gifts from a true love, starting with a partridge in a pear tree and ending with twelve drummers drumming.
    Eye Icon 14063
    Star Icon 650
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