Fluorine Books

  • Fluorine The Superhero on his own terms.
    A superhero element named Fluorine saves the day by defeating various enemies using his superpowers.
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  • Fluorine
    A brief introduction to the element fluorine, including its properties and role in toothpaste.
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    An informative book about the element Fluorine, covering its physical and chemical properties, atomic structure, discovery, compounds, uses, facts, and environmental effects.
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  • Cinderlithium and Prince Fluorine
    Cinderlithium, a mistreated girl, gets a chance to go to a ball with the help of her fairy godmother. She meets Prince Fluorine and they fall in love.
  • Elementler Dünyasında Hayata Yolculuk
    A collection of short dialogues by different students discussing various scientific topics such as helium, fluorine, sodium, iron, and calcium.
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  • The Fluorine Princess
    A princess, locked underground, discovers the value of fluorine and becomes a scientist. She teaches her kingdom about its importance.
  • The Story Of The 5 Friends.
    Fluorine, Bromine, Chlorine, Iodine, and Astatine are friends with unique properties. Astatine's short life span worries them, but they reunite and live happily until his nex…
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