Forbidden Love Books

  • The Sun and Moon
    A tale of forbidden love between the Sun King and Moon Queen, cursed to rule the skies apart. Mother Nature finds a way for them to be together during storms.
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  • Forbidden love.
    This is the story about a girl named Emma and a boy named Giermo. They love each other very much but are forbiden to speak to each other. This tells the story of love, hearta…
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  • Romeo and Juliet Forbidden Love
    A retelling of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, where two star-crossed lovers from feuding families fall in love and ultimately meet a tragic end.
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  • Forbidden Love
    Lily and Ben, from different social backgrounds, face obstacles in their love. Lily's father eventually accepts their relationship, leading to a happy ending.
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  • A Forbidden Love
    Buttercup, a powerful ant, and Gingerella, a beautiful butterfly, have a forbidden love. They run away together to escape their feuding families.
  • Forbidden Love: A Prequel
    The history of the Montagues and Capulets, their settlement in Verona, and the origins of their feud.
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  • Forbidden Love
    Princess Rafaela falls in love with her bodyguard, Ron, and they run away together to be married.
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    The book was prepared by ŞTSFL students after being written collabratively in international teams (Spain - Croatia - Türkiye) for the eTwinning Project "Our Digital Stories"
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