Forever Home Books

  • Bubbles Finds A Home
    A change in circumstances has brought Bubbles the rabbit to school. Although he enjoys being a classroom pet, he often wishes for a home of his very own.

    This is a t…
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  • The Rescue
    A lonely dog who lives on the street has no friend. Not until he meets a friend. Learn what happens in this story, and discover the LOVE of Jesus Christ for all of us.
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  • Bubbles Big Surprise
    Bubbles the white friendly rabbit was enjoying life in Hawaii with Ms. Hinds and their many adventures together. His wish for a forever home had come true. He didn't think th…
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  • Forever Safe
    Monty, a Labrador Retriever mix, shares his journey from being left at an animal shelter to finding his forever home and becoming a therapy dog.
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  • Hope the Optimist Bear
    Hope the Optimist Bear was created by the Junior Optimist Organization. It is a bear we deliver to local hospitals with a story book written about her. We do a school wide c…
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    Becca's Wild Moose Chase is the story of a bumble bee and a moose. Following an unfortunate first encounter and a chase through the prairie, the pair forget their differences…
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  • Leo's Rescue
    Leo is a lonely guinea pig who wants a friend. He finally meets a little girl who loves him very much. Could Leo have finally found his forever home?
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  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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