Forgiveness Books

    Becca's Wild Moose Chase is the story of a bumble bee and a moose. Following an unfortunate first encounter and a chase through the prairie, the pair forget their differences…
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  • The Valentine Dilemma
    Four kids become detectives to save the Valentine party. Will they be able to figure out what happened or will they fail miserably? A story of team work and forgiveness. Fin…
    Eye Icon 288
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  • Nan the Dragon
    Nan the dragon loves her granddragons and wants to show them all the magic in the world.
    Eye Icon 972
    Star Icon 70
  • The King's Palette
    The King's Palace is a parable about God's artistry, forgiveness, and love.
    Eye Icon 76
  • Fred the Bread
    Fred, a loaf of bread, receives an invitation to a party. He forgets to bring a present but learns that friendship is the best gift.
    Eye Icon 833
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  • the little raindrop
    Story based on Biblical principles. Obedience, forgiveness, and God's plan for your life.
    Eye Icon 2717
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  • pokemon love story
    A story about the relationship between two Pokemon, Slyveon and Umberon, and their struggles with love, jealousy, forgiveness, and protection.
    Eye Icon 1678
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  • Enemies to Besties
    Two girls, Frosty and Sparkle, start a feud in kindergarten over a pen. The feud escalates throughout the years until they finally reconcile and become best friends.
    Eye Icon 62
    Star Icon 6
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