Fort Sumter Books

  • My Trip To Fort Sumter
    A brief history of Fort Sumter and a personal account of a visit to the fort, including a boat ride and dolphin sighting.
  • The Major Battles of the Civil War
    A brief overview of the major battles of the Civil War, including Fort Sumter, Shiloh, Bull Run, Antietam, Gettysburg, and Vicksburg.
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  • Fort Sumter
    A brief account of Union General Robert Anderson's surrender of Fort Sumter during the Civil War.
  • B
    A book about major battles of the American Civil War, including Fort Sumter, Bull Run, Fredericksburg, and more.
  • Civil war ABC book
    A collection of short paragraphs about various events and figures from the American Civil War, lacking clear organization and coherence.
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    A brief overview of the Civil War, including key dates, casualties, and the outcome.
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  • The Start of the Civil War
    A brief overview of Abraham Lincoln's life, the 1858 Illinois senate election, and the start of the Civil War.
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  • Southern State Secessions
    A brief overview of Abraham Lincoln's election, the secession of southern states, and the Battle of Fort Sumter during the American Civil War.
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