Fortresses Books

  • Romania-UNESCO World Heritage Sites
    A description of the Dacian Fortresses of the Orastie Mountains, Sarmizegetusa Regia, Historic Centre of Sighisoara, and Villages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania.
    Two MINECRAFT super experienced players have not done one thing yet: go to The End and destroy the Ender Dragon! Join these two players on their journey to The End on their i…
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    A family watches a TV broadcast about fortresses during the colonial period. They learn about Fort Van Der Wijck in Kebumen, which is a unique and cool fort with European arc…
  • Theodore and His Dragon
    This book is by Everett West who is 6.5 years old. He loves to play outside in Zion National Park, his home. He loves to read and write. Thanks for reading my book.
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  • I Live in Moldova
    Нажми на стрелочку (указатель "право"), открой книгу, прослушай мои комментарии, нажав на иконку "play" и выполни домашнее задание.
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  • Słupsk and its monuments
    A brief history of Słupsk, a town in Poland, including its medieval settlements, fortresses, castles, and other landmarks.
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  • The Story of Afflatus
    A little boy named Afflatus embarks on a virtual tour around the world, learning about different cultures and making new friends.
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  • Beautiful places in Moldova
    A list of beautiful and interesting places in Moldova, including wineries, monasteries, fortresses, caves, and museums.
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