Fractals Books

  • Fractals
    An introduction to fractals, their properties, and how they are created using complex numbers.
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  • The Twelve Days of Math Class
    A math teacher gives her students gifts related to different math concepts each day leading up to Christmas, while also teaching them about those concepts.
  • Let it Go!
    A girl embraces her powers and breaks free from societal expectations, finding freedom in self-acceptance.
    by hfh
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  • Ptolemy
    The story of Claudius Ptolemy, an astronomer from Alexandria, Egypt, who developed a geocentric model of the universe.
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  • My Practice Book
    A collection of definitions and explanations for various technological terms.
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  • The princess competition
    Two little girls, Penelope and Pearl, compete in a princess competition. Mia, a poor girl, also wants to participate and gets a makeover. Penelope sings 'You Are My Sunshine,…
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  • Our Math Journey
    A group of teachers go on a mathematics journey, facing challenges and learning new strategies along the way.
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    A brief introduction to five different animals, including their habitat and characteristics.
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