Francisco Pizarro Books

  • Francisco Pizarro
    A story about the encounter between the Inca tribe and Francisco Pizarro's Conquistadors, leading to the downfall of the Incas.
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  • Francisco Pizarro
    The story of Francisco Pizarro, a Spanish explorer who desired wealth and power, sailed to South America, discovered Peru, and conquered the Inca empire.
  • The Story of Francisco Pizarro
    Francisco Pizarro, a man seeking riches and fame, embarks on a journey with conquistadors to find gold in the Aztec and Inca empires. They encounter cultural differences and …
  • Pizzaro & the Incas
    The story follows Francisco Pizarro and his conquest of the Inca Empire, including his encounter with Atahualpa and the devastating impact of smallpox.
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  • Francisco Pizarro & The Great Exploration.
    Francisco Pizarro, a treasure hunter and pirate, searches for gold in Peru. He encounters the Incas, takes over their city, and finds his gold. But he faces threats from Span…
  • Shippy and Shippete explain the 5 explorers
    Shippy and Shippete share their adventures sailing with famous explorers like Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Henry Hudson, Ferdinand Magellan, and Francisco Pizarro.
    A curse falls on Ecuador, and the only way to break it is to find the descendant of Francisco Pizarro. An indigenous boy travels to Spain to find him and convinces him to rem…
  • Peru's History: Ancient Civilization to Independence
    A brief history of Peru, including its geography, ancient civilizations, colonization, and independence.
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